
Choosing A Children's Dentistry Office For Your Child Has Long-Term Benefits

Dentist Blog

If you have a child, you likely want to know whether a family dentist or pediatric dentist is right for their needs. There are a few differences between the two. Knowing what to take into consideration will help you determine the best professional for your child's needs. The following points will help you to understand why you would likely appreciate a children's dentistry office experience for your child. Reduced Anxiety

22 January 2021

Why Invisalign Work So Well For Busy Professionals

Dentist Blog

If you're a busy professional, the idea of straightening your teeth may make you cringe a little. Sure, you want straight teeth. But the idea of having to wear braces and retainers for a year or more can be most unpleasant. Luckily, most adults do not need braces to straighten their teeth. Invisalign, which is a system of clear plastic aligners, tends to be a better option for busy professionals. Here's why this system works so well for people like you.

3 December 2020

Could Dental Implants Make Your Jawline Firm Up?

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth, but that's not all that they're capable of doing. If you've noticed that your jawline seems to be a little looser or saggier than it used to be and you have missing teeth, there might be a stronger connection between these two things than you might expect. Here's what you need to know about how your missing teeth could be impacting your jawline and how dental implants can help.

23 December 2019

Switching to a New Family Dentist? 3 Tips to Make Your Child Feel Comfortable

Dentist Blog

Whether you've just recently moved or your insurance has changed, there may come a time when you need to switch to a new family dentist for your children to see. Since annual visits are so important for your child's dental health, you need to make sure to keep up with making routine dental appointments.  If you're worried that your child is going to be nervous during the dental visit, here is what you can do to make your child as comfortable as possible and avoid any unnecessary stress.

23 December 2019

3 Ways To Improve The Appearance Of Your Smile

Dentist Blog

Working to look your best may be high on your agenda. There are many things you can do to help you accomplish this. However, ensuring you have the best smile possible is a great place to start. Fortunately, when you rely on the expertise of a cosmetic dentist, you may be able to reach your dental goals. 1. Dental bonding If you have a gap in between your teeth, this may affect the appearance of your smile.

24 November 2019

Candidate for a Dental Implant? Critical Criteria Patients Must Meet

Dentist Blog

As the techniques and materials for dental implants have improved, a growing number of Americans have become more interested in using them, instead of dentures, partial plates, and bridgework. In fact, according to recent statistics, more than five million dental implants are now being done annually in the United States.  Dental implants can do more than replace a single lost or damaged tooth. In fact, dental implants are increasingly being chosen as an alternative to the use of dentures.

24 October 2019

Expecting? What To Know About Dental Health

Dentist Blog

Many women just naturally begin to pay attention to their health when they are expecting a baby. Often, women will stop smoking, eat more nutritious food, stop drinking alcohol, and get more sleep. Along with those prenatal vitamins, you might want to consider how pregnancy can affect your oral health as well. To find out more about some common worrisome issues that can affect mothers-to-be, read on. Do You Have Morning Sickness?

26 September 2019

Here's Why Your Teeth Have Been Pitted Since Childhood

Dentist Blog

Having pitted teeth can make you feel embarrassed and self-conscious. If your teeth have looked odd to you since you were a child or for as long as you can remember, it's probably due to a particular condition that afflicts children exclusively. Here's what you need to know about this condition, it's impact on you, and how you can get help for it. Enamel The part of your teeth that give them their pitted appearance is the dental enamel.

25 July 2019

3 Things To Know If You Are Preparing To Get A Dental Filling

Dentist Blog

At your dental checkup, one of the things the dentist will look for is decay in your teeth. If any is found, the dentist will recommend coming back in for another visit to have the decay removed and a filling put in place. If you are preparing for this appointment and have never had a filling before, here are three things you should know. You may have a choice with the filling material

25 July 2019

Avoidable Problems That May Occur With A Dental Crown

Dentist Blog

A dental crown is used to cover and protect the natural crown of a tooth. The crown can be used in conjunction with many different applications, including the installation of a fixed bridge, a treatment involving root canal therapy, the placement of a large filling, or the repair of a tooth that has been chipped or cracked.  Once a crown is in position, the tooth is protected and structurally reinforced, lessening the chance of infection or further damage.

29 June 2019