Natural Ways To Ensure Easy Dental Visits

Dentist Blog

Going to the dentist isn't something many people put high on their list of things they enjoy. Regular dental cleanings take time out of already busy schedules, cost money and many times lead to more invasive, expensive dental procedures. There are a large number of products on the market claiming to reverse tooth decay and improve oral health, but those products are pricey and rarely achieve the promised results. However, there are completely natural ways to improve oral health and make the next trip to the dentist an easy one.

11 June 2015

5 Treatment Options For Broken Teeth

Dentist Blog

If you have just noticed a broken or cracked tooth, don't panic. There are a variety of treatments that your dentist can perform for broken tooth repair. The procedure will depend on what type of break you have, as there are many ways to break or crack a tooth. Here are five different types of treatments available for broken teeth. Polishing the Surface of the Tooth For minor cracks, your dentist should be able to just polish the surface of your tooth where you have the small cracks.

22 May 2015

3 Ways To Help Ease Your Child's Dental Anxiety

Dentist Blog

For many people, going to the dentist is a normal routine event. However, some children feel downright terrified about having to go to a pediatric dentist. Fortunately though, there are a wide variety of different things that you can do to help ease your child's dental anxiety. 1. Promise A Reward Offering a reward is often an excellent way to get your child to behave well. Let them know that if they are good at the dentist and don't have any sort of tantrum then they can look forward to getting a special reward afterwards.

29 April 2015

Learn How To Help Your Autistic Child Handle Having A Cavity Filled

Dentist Blog

Taking your autistic child to the dentist to have a cavity filled can be quite difficult. Many autistic children have sensory issues that make it quite difficult for them to be able to handle things that other children may have no problem handling. The feeling that your child may feel when their tooth is being drilled could cause them to go into a full blown meltdown. There are some things that you can do to make the experience a little less stressful for your child though.

13 April 2015

Keeping Your Dentures In Place All Day Long

Dentist Blog

If you are a new denture wearer, you may not yet be used to some of the troubles you may encounter while wearing them. One problem some denture wearers have is keeping them in place. Here are a few tips you can use to fix loose denture problems. Speak To Your Dentist If you seem to have a lot of trouble keeping your dentures from falling out of your mouth, speak to your dentist.

26 March 2015

3 Things You Need To Know About Trismus

Dentist Blog

Trismus, also called lockjaw, is a symptom of many different dental conditions. People with trismus aren't able to open their mouth as wide as they should be able to, and in severe cases, can't open their mouths at all. Here's what you need to know about this scary symptom. What conditions can cause trismus? Trismus can be a symptom of many different dental conditions. It can be caused by infections either in the mouth, such as dental abscesses.

10 March 2015

Important Things To Know When Getting A Root Canal

Dentist Blog

In the dental industry, one procedure that often causes the most fear is a root canal. If you think you need this procedure done, these things are helpful to know: Do You Really Need a Root Canal? Before spending money on a root canal procedure, you need to know if you are a good candidate for it. Usually, root canals are used for two things, which include pulp damage or an infection.

23 February 2015

Why You Should Consider Inlays And Outlays For Your Dental Restoration

Dentist Blog

If you are struggling with decayed, fractured or broken teeth, then you should ask your dentist about dental inlays and outlays. These are prefabricated materials used to cover up damaged sections of the teeth. The inlays only cover the chewing surface of teeth while outlays extend over the cusps. These treatment procedures are better at enhancing your smile more than the traditional restoration procedures such as composite fillings. The benefits of inlays and outlays include:

11 February 2015

"Who Ya Gonna Call?" Tooth Fairy! Common Dental Concerns Of A Five Year Old

Dentist Blog

If you have a child in kindergarten, you know that they are very concrete thinkers. This can lead to some entertaining conversations, as well as some seemingly irrational fears. When it comes to their dental health, this is no exception. Here is a look at a few of the concerns your five-year-old may want to address with the dentist at his or her next check-up. "When will my tooth fall out?

29 January 2015

Planning Ahead For Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Whether you have missing teeth due to genetic disorders, poor hygiene or a physical injury, dental implants can offer permanent replacement prosthesis. Before you take that step though, make sure you've looked at all the things you need to go through, pay for and wait on before you commit to the procedure. Dental implants might seem like the magic cure-all for your missing teeth, but they definitely aren't a one size fits all solution.

22 January 2015