6 Simple Tricks To A Whiter, Brighter Smile Without Braces

Dentist Blog

You only have one chance to make a great first impression, but what if your smile is not up to the job? A survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry discovered that a great smile is so important that 48 percent of adults state it is the most memorable feature of someone they meet. Even more startling is that a full 37 percent of people stated that if smile had crooked or stained teeth, it made that person considerable "less attractive." While that may sound superficial, you need every edge possible in business and in life. Luckily, there are many quick fixes and tricks to get a whiter, brighter smile. 

1. Avoid Tea and Coffee.

Some of our food choices can be detrimental to a brighter, whiter smile. The tannins in tea and coffee can stain teeth, darkening them over time and with continued use. While abstaining is not always possible, adding milk to your morning joe and brushing your teeth after consuming it can help reduce discoloration. Tomato sauce, strawberries, chocolate, and wine all also cause similar discoloration on teeth.

2. Use a Whitening Toothpaste. 

While not as powerful or effective as a visit to the dentist for in-office treatment, there are many toothpastes on the market that are approved by the American Dental Association for stain removal as well as whitening. The ADA has a lengthy approval process and lists products that are successful on their website. Using a whitening toothpaste on a regular basis can help maintain a brighter, whiter smile in between visits to your dentist. 

3. Opt for Quarterly Cleanings.

Another option is to have the hygienist clean your teeth more often. While most insurance companies only pay for two dental cleanings a year, there is no reason why you can't schedule more and simply pay out of pocket. Having your teeth cleaned quarterly instead of biannually can make a difference for many people in terms of both oral health and the brightness of their smile. Talk to your dentist's billing department about payment. Many offices will offer a discounted cash price for extra cleanings to make the cleanings more affordable. It may be much less expensive than you think. 

4. Schedule Whitening Services.

Talk to your dentist about in-office teeth whitening services. Having your teeth whitened by a dentist is the safest and most effective way to have a brighter smile. Be advised that results may still vary as some stains are stubborn, particularly those caused by tobacco use. If you have sensitive teeth and gums, the process may be unpleasant but not unbearable. Most people are not bothered by it at all. 

5. Try Aligners.

There is no longer a need for a full mouth of old-school brackets. Today's orthodontic aligners are much more user-friendly. A set of plastic aligners, made from molds of the patient's mouth, is slightly altered to help shift the teeth gently over time. Depending on the dentist's instructions, they can be worn all day or just at night, but the clear plastic is next to impossible to see in either case. No "brace face" here. 

6. Get Veneers.

If aligners won't work for your situation and you still want to present a better smile to the world, talk to your dentist about veneers. While expensive, this option can cover up many dental eyesores. Veneers are permanently attached to your teeth, but the results can be remarkable. Not only do they offer the patient an instantly whiter smile, but they can also be applied to permanently correct crooked teeth and gaps between teeth.

When you want to present your best self to the world, whether for work, dating, or just yourself, there are several tricks you can do to create a whiter, brighter, and straighter smile. Veneers, aligners, teeth whitening services, and over-the-counter products can all help you reach your goal. Talk to a dentist such as Kyle J Frisinger DMD to learn more.


6 February 2019

Fluoride: Why I Drink Tap Water

When the bottled water craze began, I jumped on the bandwagon with everyone else who was drinking water from bottles instead of from the tap. I wasn't sure why bottled water was healthier, but I liked the taste. When I went for my next dental check-up, I had my first cavity in a while, so I had it filled and didn't think much of it. Well, I had two more during my next check-up after that, and I began trying to think of why my teeth were suddenly going bad. The only change in my habits was the switch to bottled water, so I made the switch back to tap water and my teeth began to improve. I created this blog to encourage others who have begun getting cavities suddenly to look into their changes in habits. They may find they made a change similar to mine.