Do Not Dismiss Symptoms That You Need A Dental Root Canal Procedure

Dentist Blog

No longer do you have to conjure up images of pain when you must undergo a root canal dental procedure. Granted it was quite a painful procedure in the past, but root canal is a painless procedure now because new technology takes the pain out of having a root canal. You can relax in the dental chair without thinking about pain as your dentist skillfully performs this very important treatment that leaves your troubled tooth in a healthy state for many years to come. It is a vital procedure that you should not ignore.

What Is Root Canal About?

Sometimes infected tissue or inflammation of your tooth's soft tissue cause pain. There is a soft tissue that is called dental pulp, which when compromised by tooth decay, a cracked tooth or even a blow to your face can cause the pulp to become infected.

Cleaning Out Pulp And Filling It

Modern dental anesthetics are offered to provide you as much comfort as you need when you undergo a root canal dental procedure. It is managed and applied by your dentist. Your tooth's inflamed tissue requires cleaning by your dentist who next fills the tissue space in order to seal the root canal. Your dentist makes the decision to either fill the tooth alone or cap it with the use of a crown.

Your Prior Source Of Pain

Bear in mind that it's the infected pulp that causes pain. The pulp is loaded with nerve fibers. Sensitive nerves under pressure by the infection cause increased pain to kick in. You should not be feeling any pain though because of the anesthetics delivered to you prior to your surgical procedure. Swollen gums around the infected tooth also become painful. Inflammation and nerve fibers create chaotic pain at the infected tooth site. In some cases, the infection generates an abscess at the base of the tooth's root. All of these symptoms may ultimately cause the infection to reach as far as your jaw and even your neck.

Packing The Root With Medications

Your trained and qualified dentist clinically removes the by-now flourishing infection and any existing fragments lying about at the base of your tooth's root. He or she will make certain that the tooth's root is thereafter saturated with medication and sealed to prevent any additional infection from forming. The crown itself protects the root canal procedure that was just done.

Instructions For After Care

You then will be given instructions before you leave the dental office for home. Those instructions cover all the oral hygiene functions you must perform at home. You need to make it your duty to carefully perform the instructions and to call the dentist's office about any concerns that you might have while you recover from the procedure. Never miss any of your future scheduled check-up appointments.

Contact a dental office, like Ramtown Dental Associates, for more help.


12 October 2017

Fluoride: Why I Drink Tap Water

When the bottled water craze began, I jumped on the bandwagon with everyone else who was drinking water from bottles instead of from the tap. I wasn't sure why bottled water was healthier, but I liked the taste. When I went for my next dental check-up, I had my first cavity in a while, so I had it filled and didn't think much of it. Well, I had two more during my next check-up after that, and I began trying to think of why my teeth were suddenly going bad. The only change in my habits was the switch to bottled water, so I made the switch back to tap water and my teeth began to improve. I created this blog to encourage others who have begun getting cavities suddenly to look into their changes in habits. They may find they made a change similar to mine.