Dental Care For Babies And Toddlers

Dentist Blog

As adorable as a baby's toothless smile is, he or she will grow little teeth eventually. Even before that first tooth appears, you should start planning for future dental care. Read on for answers to questions about children's oral health, from infancy on up.

When Will My Little One Start Teething?

Most babies start teething around 6 months of age, but some can show signs as early as 3 months, or as late as a year—so don't worry too much if your baby seems to be running late. Baby teeth typically come in pairs, but every baby is different. It's common to see babies with several teeth on the top, and none on the bottom, or exactly the opposite. Generally speaking, most children have roughly 20 teeth by age 3.

Caring for Baby Teeth

Even though your child will eventually lose his or her baby teeth, it's vital to take care of them. Baby teeth are instrumental in proper eating, speech development, and correct positioning of adult teeth. Before the first tooth appears, clean baby's gums with a damp, clean cloth twice daily. Once he or she starts teething, gently rub the teeth with a wet, clean cloth. Never allow baby to sleep with a bottle, as the sugar in milk can cause decay. As more teeth erupt, start using a soft toothbrush.

Dental Visits

The AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) recommends that children have their first dental visit at one year of age. Talk to your child's doctor about his or her needs; once your child starts visiting the dentist, you should take him or her for checkups twice per year. By establishing a solid routine of oral hygiene and regular dental care, you're setting your child up for a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

Teeth Grinding in Children

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can severely damage baby teeth. However, most children outgrow it before lasting damage is done. Unlike adults who grind at night because of pent-up tension, children usually do it for physical reasons such as an ear infection or allergies. If your young child grinds his or her teeth during the day, pay attention to potential triggers and suggest alternate habits if necessary.

Proper dental care is an important part of keeping your child healthy. Even before baby cuts that first tooth, you should start practicing good oral care habits—and that includes regular checkups with a pediatrician, and a family dentist like Kyle J Frisinger DMD.


21 July 2015

Fluoride: Why I Drink Tap Water

When the bottled water craze began, I jumped on the bandwagon with everyone else who was drinking water from bottles instead of from the tap. I wasn't sure why bottled water was healthier, but I liked the taste. When I went for my next dental check-up, I had my first cavity in a while, so I had it filled and didn't think much of it. Well, I had two more during my next check-up after that, and I began trying to think of why my teeth were suddenly going bad. The only change in my habits was the switch to bottled water, so I made the switch back to tap water and my teeth began to improve. I created this blog to encourage others who have begun getting cavities suddenly to look into their changes in habits. They may find they made a change similar to mine.